Abbey Chamber Concerts

A series of chamber concerts by top-quality local musicians on one Sunday each month.

3.00 – 4.00pm at St Nicolas church, Market Place, Abingdon OX14 3HF.

Tickets £12, accompanied children free. Available from this website, at door, from 07775 904626, from the performers.

Free tea and coffee and an opportunity to talk to the musicians, after each concert.

Support the arts in Abingdon! Profits are donated to local charities.

We are always looking for new groups to play in our concert series.

Is there a wonderful piece you’d love to present in 2025-26?

Do you play in a local group of a high standard?

Please get in touch!

Coral Lancaster cello, Diana Hinds piano – Faure and Debussy

Faure Cello Sonata no 2 Debussy Cello Sonata Plus music by Bach and Poulenc Diana Hinds piano Coral Lancaster cello Faure Cello (1845-1924) Sonata no 2 in G minor Fame came late to Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). Probably the most advanced...

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Sound the Trumpet – Crispian Steele-Perkins Trio

Crispian Steele-Perkins Trio Crispian Steele-Perkins began playing the trumpet at the age of 10 and, after training at the Guildhall School of Music in London, he became a member of the English National Opera, the Royal Philharmonic, and the English...

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Coleridge-Taylor Nonet – Spohr Nonet

with Pavlova Winds and Cotswold String Ensemble Coleridge-Taylors' Nonet in F minor, Op. 2, was written in 1894. It is scored for oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, double bass, and piano. Its first performance (and apparently the only...

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Jacqui Johnson cello and Dominic Piers-smith piano – Sains-Saens and Franck

Jacqui Johnson cello, Dominic Piers-Smith piano Saint-Saëns Sonata no 1 in C minor, op 32 Allegro Andante tranquillo sostenuto Allegro moderato The Cello Sonata No 1 in C minor Op 32, from 1872, was the first result of the new...

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